How does  blame and neglect in childhood causes self-blame after puberty?

How does  blame and neglect in childhood causes self-blame after puberty?   When you experience trauma, you feel guilty. It may be strange to blame yourself for being a victim, but blaming yourself  is a defensive reaction to feel that every thing is under your control , but this feeling prevents you from  quick recovery […]

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How do I know if I am over-thinker or not?

Are you over-thinker or affected by life pressures?   Over-thinking, something very stressful, as the spiral of ideas takes you into endless, intertwined circles. To spend most of your time thinking continuously, it makes psychological pressure in itself, regardless of other life’s stresses. Too much thought is a symptom or disease?   Too much thinking […]

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How do I overcome excessive thinking and restore my life in 10 steps?

Want to overcome the over-thinking and restore your life? Fortunately, excessive thinking can be fought and greatly overloaded by training reason in different ways of looking at life, and by repairing some cognitive imperfections and distortions.   There are some tried ways and exercises that have changed the course of life for many who suffer […]

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