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How do I know if I am over-thinker or not?

Are you over-thinker or affected by life pressures?



Over-thinking, something very stressful, as the spiral of ideas takes you into endless, intertwined circles.

To spend most of your time thinking continuously, it makes psychological pressure in itself, regardless of other life’s stresses.

Too much thought is a symptom or disease?


Too much thinking can sometimes be a normal symptom of some people, but for others it is an incurable disease.

It puts enormous stress on some people’s nerves and causes their lives to be affected in a generally negative way.

Over-thinking patterns

Too much thinking takes many types of negative, cognitive-induced thinking and distortions of thought.

From these styles:

  • Excessive hesitation when making decisions.
  • questioning decisions after they are made.
  • Negative reading of others’ ideas.
  • Predict the future in a gloomy and dark way.
  • Attention to small and non-influential detail.
  • Paying too much attention to others’ comments and interpretation negatively.
  • Over criticism and audit everything.
  • Think of the past and regret most of the past actions .
  • Too much fear that their image may look bad to others.
  • The excessive and persistent anxiety of the future and its dark vision.
  • using words like (you should) and  imposing  necessity for their thinking and their generalization.
  • Imposing the worst always.


“I don’t sleep from too much thinking”



over thinkers can not sleep because they start to experience painful memories and bad situations decades ago or days ago.

In fact, only bad memories keep them in memory,  remembering them, self criticize every night!

There are some questions that his mind repeat like: Why did this happen? What do the words of some one  mean? And what is meant by  his actions?

Unfortunately, it is a vicious circle from which he cannot escape and never finds answers to these questions.


Has too much thinking become a disease?


Some people might think they are thinking about solving their problems but are trapped in a trap of too much thought.

Thinking can often become more satisfactory over time, so be careful not to continue thinking about something.

Remember, after some time thinking, to give yourself a period of rest and psychological peace without thinking about  past or future.


Excessive thinking leads to anxiety and depression


When you think too much, your entire life is affected and your mind is unable to pause and pay little attention to other things of life or to the earned blessings that deserve to be grateful.


The dark picture overwhelm thinking and leads to depression that can become worse and worse leading to  suicide.

Too much thinking also causes symptoms of  anxiety, and loss of control over thinking.

When too much thinking always takes you to imagine the equator and anticipate future difficulties, it exposes you to constant anxiety about the future and makes you feel helpless where you can’t control it.


Over-thinking: Misery and illness!


Excessive thinking leads to physical diseases such as heart disease, and generally reduced body immunity.

It also leads to loss of passion and happiness, loss of motivation to work and a positive life.


If you want to know how you can overcome over-thinking by simple process click here: (How do I overcome excessive thinking and restore my life in 10 steps?)

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