Want to overcome the over-thinking and restore your life?

Fortunately, excessive thinking can be fought and greatly overloaded by training reason in different ways of looking at life, and by repairing some cognitive imperfections and distortions.
There are some tried ways and exercises that have changed the course of life for many who suffer from over-thinking.
First: Replacement
A negative idea can only be overcome with an alternative positive idea that take place of the past one.
If you want not to think negatively, you can do so only by finding a positive, compelling idea, coming out of your original convictions, and then implanting it in your mind.
The more negative ideas you have previously fought, the more fresh you have found.
Second: Observation
Notice when excessive thinking is attacking you, and then change where you are.
For example, if ideas attack you when you want to sleep , leave your bed and do anything else for a quarter of an hour (e.g. exercise) and then try to sleep again.
If ideas come to you when you’re alone, try to stay with your friends and family more, or have your time filled with a hobby that powers your thinking and your senses.
Also, note this sound coming from within you, telling you negative things about yourself, try to deal with it and silence it and respond to it with an audible voice about your advantages as well as your pros.
Third: Restructuring
To restructure excessive thinking by creating different explanations of situations, making your old negative ideas less realistic and less credible.
You can ask yourself what is the probability of something happening? What is the possibility of other things like this and so? Then struggle with each other’s ratio and evidence.
You’ll find that the scare is small among the rest of the possibilities, and it’s often not so much evidence.
Fourth: Writing

Write all the ideas on paper that you have, it’s a tried and effective way.
You can write ideas in any order, just take them out of your head and place them in a small notebook that always close to you.
Fifth: Vigilance
Are workouts that make you more connected to reality, by doing them you can integrate with what you can hear now, what you can see now, what you can smell now, and what you can touch now.
Here you are connected to your five senses which also keep you in contact with your current real world (at the moment).
When you connect to your current outside world with your senses, and you see everything that’s going on around you now, the time you spend inside your mind is reduced trying to catch up with your negative thoughts.
Sixth: Awareness
When you are more aware of yourself, you will be able to see yourself when you fall into an excessive thinking trap.
It will then be easy to come back to your new workouts and habits you use to resist this type of thinking.
When you start thinking too much about pulling you to its own pace, say to yourself: Where am I?? Am I in my head now? Did the cycle of thinking draw me?
Then introduce yourself to an offer that cannot be rejected by something else that prevents you from such thinking, such as, isn’t this a good time to start a nice match with my children?
Seventh: Distraction
You can distract from thinking too much as you feel it, by doing something else that requires focus, and distract from the current idea.
change your thinking now and quickly to something else that requires focus, and then if you return to the old idea, you also distract it to something else .
If you find the new idea to have your own thinking, fight it, too, even with the old idea.
Eighth: Change the wording of sentences
Changing the wording of sentences helps you improve your feeling toward yourself and toward life in general.
When you replace your saying (I fail) by saying (maybe this time it failed, but next time God willing) or (true, I failed this time but will learn how to make it work next time), it gives you an optimistic view of life that makes you happier and more satisfying.
Ninth: Adopt positivity
Adopt positivity in a way that deals with problems by offering practical solutions, rather than crying on spilled milk.
This makes you choose to do something realistic instead of staying inside your head and being with ideas.
For example, instead of thinking about being alone and not having a close friend, say to yourself (what can I do until I get new friends who shares me my interests?).
Tenth: Let the past go peace
You don’t live in your painful past, you has ended up, and you are not at a time to talk about it and think about it.
Don’t regret what you did and didn’t, make your current moment important – it’s all you have.
Now, after all these exercises if you find yourself unable to resist alone, don’t make something dissuade you from asking for help from a trusted professional.